Customer reviews 4.8/5

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5 days cycle for 1 month (20 capsules) 

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1 Pack

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€ 79.95
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Total price € 79.95
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3 Packs

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€ 44.98
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Total price € 134.95
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2 Packs

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€ 49.97
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Total price € 99.95
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These capsules are absolutely great. I'm on my second week and have already lost quite a bit of belly and tolerate the capsules very well. I always take one before lunch and take a break at the weekend. Hope I was able to help with my review 😁 LG Antonia



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after the first week of taking had much less hunger and felt only half eaten. scale has started after 2 weeks with me indicate a lower weight. have so far no side effects and am satisfied.



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So far so good, although I do NOT like the colour of the packaging. I would prefer a more neutral colour. Otherwise, so far good tolerance and a noticeable "appetite killer"! 

louise doyle


Verified purchase

Fast delivery. Nice customer service. I tolerate capsules very well. I have lost weight in any case but I have not weighed myself because I do not have a scale at home. Tina.



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1.5 weeks and I have lost 2.5 kg quite easy and relaxed. 😍❤️❤️❤️Am very happy.



Verified purchase

so appetite suppressants i don't find the pills but i have definitely lost weight somehow as i also fit back into my summer pants from 2 years ago that was definitely not possible before and that's the only thing that matters to me just get this damn fat off my belly and arms



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My doctor prescribed me these pills 6 weeks ago and I have one pack empty.... on the scale there are 6 kilos less... which is already a lot for me... i still have more to lose but I think I can do it with this... unfortunately, no health insurance pays for these capsules and you have to pay for them yourself... but they do help and I have ordered another pack ... if I can then lose as much weight again I have already reached the goal then LG Alexandra Rommel

Emma Alexander


Verified purchase

Am now on my 2. Pack and have quite good results. Without much change I have lost 11 and that is perfect. I can confirm less hunger!



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Ok these pills may do something but what if you can't afford the price? Health insurance companies refuse to cover this, of course. They're probably too busy paying for those stupid vaccinations!!!

betül baraka


Verified purchase

take the capsules with the balls in it since 14 days and just cool..... can really feel how it starts to work after 10-15 minutes and I have no hunger.... I always take them with redbull because I feel that it works even faster then and the capsules dissolve and work faster..... I find 6 pupnds in one week really cool, especially because I really haven't changed anything in terms of diet and so on.... love you 😍😍 betül 



Verified purchase

Everything worked very well and my friend with whom I do it together also has good results so far after 3 weeks.



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I take the capsule daily with breakfast. It is small and pleasant to swallow. Since I have been taking them, I have more energy. My headaches have also disappeared. I also feel an increase in my well-being and vitality.The substance is also an appetite suppressant. I eat much less.



Verified purchase

Has worked very well and are also not too big to swallow them with which I usually always have problems. Think for the bikini body is really the fastest way to get rid of stubborn pads



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Overall satisfied since it worked for me immediately. One star deduction because the health insurance does not cover the treatment. I guess they'd rather sell gastric surgeries.



Verified purchase

Where should I start...? So first of all very nice contact with customer service (DHL has lost my package). This was resolved very quickly to my satisfaction. The application is really easy as it is taken only 1x a day with a glass of water. Unfortunately, I didn't feel anything during the first week and my motivation was in the basement. I had already thought that I would stop the treatment because it does not work for me. However, the many customer reviews gave me hope and I continued taking it. The second week my husband noticed that I ate much less (he only noticed because he does the dishes at our house and my plates were not empty). That really surprised me. I don't weigh myself often (only once a month) and have done so with the application. After the pack (I had ordered only one) the scale showed 7kg less. This is a good success for me, because otherwise I always have problems with losing weight. I have just ordered the second pack and am writing this review as a small thank you (and that other users find courage and confidence). My husband is also positively surprised, but we (or I) are not there yet at the goal and will again try another pack. Love from the Black Forest, Ricarda



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Take the tablets for two weeks and am very satisfied



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Delivery has taken a LONG time!!! Have waited 5 days for the package!!! Packaging also NOT as expected. But so far quite GOOD success (3 kilos in the first week). Will still wait and edit this review after I finish this application. Yours sincerely, D. Schulte



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i have been taking the tablets for a few days now and i must admit that i have the feeling that it works. it's good that the capsules are caffeine-free, so you can sleep well and lose some weight at the same time. i think it's great :-)



Verified purchase

I have bought these tablets for the third time now. I have to say they have helped me with weight loss and the ingredients make me feel healthier somehow. I can only recommend you the capsules, I take them during the meal and everything is good.



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i tolerated it very well and had no problems. i would say i lost 6 kilos in a month even though i drank a lot of alcohol because corona is now gone and you are finally allowed out!!! i like the pills very much

Louis Sha


Verified purchase

They have helped me well.

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